
     As we simply define ecotourism we can say that it is mainly compost of two different words with various meanings by which are combined together to form a main or rather an appropriate form. The two meanings which are joined forces to form such word as ecotourism are ecosystem/ecology and tourism by which are similarly related to each other. In the previous topic I have discussed related to this ecosystem and particularly its meaning. As you know already that in an ecosystem includes the living organisms together with the non-living components in a particular area with the decomposers having their different kinds of symbiotic relationship. While the other word is tourism which clearly means the business of providing services for people on holiday or vacation etc. And by combining this two words we can now identify the true meaning of ecotourism.
     Lets have first the simple meaning of ecotourism. Just like the tourism it is also said to be as a business  wherein you also provide holidays and related services which are not harmful to the environment of a particular area. Simple as that, but we need to discuss further the meaning of it. From further researching,  this architect naming Héctor Ceballos-Lascuráin purely define the word ecotourism. He on his original statement he  proclaimed that ecotourism is a "form of environmentally responsible tourism that involves travel and visitation to relatively undisturbed natural areas with the object of enjoying, admiring,  and studying the nature (the scenery, wild plants and animals), as well as any cultural aspect (both past and present) found in these areas, through a process  which promotes conservation, has a low impact on the environment and on culture and favors the active and socioeconomically beneficial involvement of  local  communities". But as of this days still the defining process of ecotourism is keep on moving. Even the government agencies, the organizations related to the environment same as to the tourism operators and the one responsible and are experts on that particular field are still attempting to define ecotourism.
     Behind all of those different definitions provided by every opinions related to this ecotourism they still share some common elements. Some of them are the following.

  *It is refer to as one of the ways by which are options in conserving an untouched ecosystem or a wonderful scenery from natural resources wherein natural beauties are the main attraction.
   *It is said to be a sustainable kind of travel by which contributes to a sustainable development.
   *It seeks to promote and support the appreciation and understanding so as to the conservation of the environment and culture raising awareness and having this sense of appreciation for biodiversity.
   *It also encourages everyone particularly the travelers by educating them and pursuing everyone in conserving our own natural resources therefore, to develop more activisms among visitors so they can be more enthusiastic and can also be a good and effective conservation agents.  
   Those are just some of the elements and the similarity of the different definitions given to the word ecotourism. And for added details, the right term  for the visitors and explorers are called eco-tourist which helps promote resources into the particular area they had visited. This ecotourists seek not only to enjoy but also to learn from the nature and even on the culture of the area or place where they visited with maintain their responsible attitude. Here are some of the fun activities in ecotourism.

  • Animal watching (mainly birds)
  • §  Plant observation.
  • §Fossil observation.                                            
  • §  Stargazing.
  • §  Flora and fauna rescue programs and Mountain trekking
  • §  Photographic safari

                                             (*_*)MARY GRACE GAPIT(*_*)     

                Advantages and Disadvantages of Eco-tourism

         Before having the advantages and the disadvantages of ecotourism lets first discuss the meaning of it. As we all know ecotourism refers to a kind of tourism which is a business of providing holidays and related services which are not harmful to the environment of the area. It is an industry that stands to make a lot of money from tourists that are seeking environmentally friendly vacations or ecologically friendly activities.
         We already sum up the meanings of ecotourism. So i guess we're ready to take up now about its advantages and disadvantages. First is the good side or the advantages of having what we call ecotourism.


         The money from ecotourism are beneficial because it can be used for the preservation of nature, wildlife and other natural resources. It could be beneficial also in the part of the people living around the area for the easy access to civilization and education.
          Many locals will get improvement ton their lifestyle through ecotourism through the group of their economy.


         Since ecotourism focuses on ecology to attract more tourist, many are interested in developing areas by sacrificing the environment and natural resources. For instance making a mini park to attract more ecotourists. In this case investors and foreign corporators do benefit a lot. For monitory reasons the environment is in danger.
         Yes ecotourism brings a lot of money to locals, investors, to big companies and even to the country. But our environment and natural resources are need to be sacrificed.
         If money will be the issue on ecotourism we need to think again...Is money worth the sacrifice in the environment?...YOU DECIDE!!!
                                                                    (*_*)KENNETH DAVE SANCHEZ(*_*)

             *Broadening Knowledge In Defining Ecosystem*

          Try to scrutinize first the community you are existing in right now. We and our fellow creatures are living together as one into a certain place right? The place is commonly known already as ecosystem. Lets define further the meaning of it. An ecosystem can be as small as a worn-out log or as large as it can be, the best example is specifically the biggest known ever no other than the planet Earth. We can say that there’s a lot of ecosystems found in our planet because it can be considered already as one as long as there’s a living organisms in conjunction with the non-living components in their environment. And the earth is compost of billions of smaller ecosystems formed by mortals. This mortals or we as the living entities of God are assembled into a designated and well-managed area interacting along with the non-living organisms and the environment itself.

         And as we live along with the other parts of the ecosystem where we belong, we have this common relationships existing within each of us. This relationship is what we call symbiotic relationship. In fact, this relationship that we have here is also identified according to what kind of symbiotic relationship it is. Because it is classified into six main types. The most common one is the parasitism by which almost exist to everybody. Next to that is the competition which refers to the conflicts happening within two or more organisms fighting for a certain thing mostly for survival likewise for food. Another one is mutualism wherein there is two organisms involve and they are both benefiting from one another. There is also what we called predation wherein they are both fighting for their own good. In here we have what we called the predator which is the stronger one and the one benefiting the most, and the weaker one is the prey. Another known relationship is the commensalism where one species benefits while the other is unaffected. Lastly is the least common one naming the neutralism which is simply both organisms stay unaffected.

         The environment is made up of two major components, the biological or biotic factors which are the plants, animals, and microorganisms. And the other one is the physical or abiotic factors such as temperature, moisture, light and soil. This group of organisms cannot exist on their own. They must interact with each other within their desired habitat to form a stable, self-supporting system as their ecosystem.

         Energy, water, nitrogen and soil minerals are some of the essential abiotic components in a certain ecosystem by which are linked together by the help of this nutrient cycle and the flow of energy. The main source of energy is no other than the solar energy which comes primarily from the sun. It goes through the process of photosynthesis wherein it came from the carbon in the atmosphere, and in here also includes the other components needed to activate this kind of process. Plants play a big role in the movement of matter and energy through the system so as to animals. They are also the one responsible in influencing the quantity of the plants and microbial biomass present. By the process of breaking down this dead organic matter, the next to act are the decomposers which are the one releasing the carbon back to the atmosphere and the facilitator of nutrients cycle by converting nutrients stored in dead biomass into a form which can be readily use again by plants and other microbes.

                                                                                  (^_^)MARY GRACE GAPIT(^_^)

       *The relationship existing on an Ecosystem*

         In a certain ecosystem there are three factors. The first one are the living organisms, the other one is the non-living components, and lastly are the decomposers. In this factors there are a relationship existing between them. The relationship im talking about is what we called symbiotic relationship. There are six kinds of symbiotic relationship. The mutualisms, parasitism, commensalisms, predations, competitions, and lastly is the 

         It is said to be that symbiotic relationship is a long term interaction of different biological organisms or species. It also may referred to as tha mutual survival and everyday life of different organisms in the biological world. Each species or partner interacting in a particular symbiotic relationship is called the symbiont.

         First of the mentioned symbiotic relationship is the most commonly one naming mutualism. In here includes two organisms in which both of them are benefiting from the association. It is said to be that the doctrine that the interdependence of this social elements is especially the theory by which the common ownership of property, or collective effort and control by the sentiments of mutual. It is also a symbiotic relationship that benefits both species. It is also a give and take relationship of the two included organisms of different species that benefits both and harms neither. One example are the alga living in mutualism. The fungus provides a protective structure and the alga produces carbohydrate as food for the fungus.

         Next kind of relationship is the parasitism. It is also a kind of symbiotic relationship wherein while one symbiont  benefits, the other one gets affected. One common example is a flea on either on dogs, other animals and even on humans. This fleas harms us by sucking the blood from us, causing us discomfort and affects our fitness. However, the flea benefits as it gets the food from us while we are affected during this interaction.

         Another kind of symbiotic relationship is known as commensalism. In this relationship between two organisms of different species in which one derives food or other benefits from the association while the other remains unharmed and unaffected. One common example is the moss and orchid that grows on the branches or trunks of the trees. These plant gain necessary nutrients and the required light from the trees and benefit from them. The trees remain unaffected as long as these plants do not overgrow shedding their weight on the branches.

         One kind of symbiotic relationship also is the predation. In here explains the consumption of organisms and the other organisms has to sutain life.  One of the organism is called the predator and the other is the prey.

         Another one is competition by which both of the interacting species do not benefit with this kind of relationship. Example would be the swallows and swifts feeding on the same pond. Deer and sheep feeding on the same area.

         Lastly is the neutralism. It is the least common kind of symbiotic relationship wherein both of the organisms stays unaffected and neither benefiting from one another.

                            (^_^)ED LENARD PIOQUINTO(^_^)

       *Causes Of The Destruction Of The Ecosystem*

         An ecosystem is all the plants and animals that live in a particular area together with the complex relationship that exist between them and their environment. But still there are many factors which contributes most to the destruction of the ecosystem.

        One of the factors that obviously contributes to the destruction is the pollutions. There are  a lot of pollutions everywhere just like on air which cause by the smokes and other hazardous chemicals spreading on the atmosphere from different things such as from cars, factories, pesticides and spraying chemicals  and even on colognes and other essential things that contributes most on the improper functioning of the spreading of oxygen instead it spread out poisonous chemicals dangerous to the health of the organisms mostly humans. Another one is water pollution obviously on water wherein there are also some chemicals thrown on any part or body of water just like on the sea, lakes and even on small areas. Most factors which contributes to water pollution are from the factories also on nearby side of it, the citizens that thrown their wastes and garbage towards the sea which causes the commonly known as oil spill. Last common pollution is on land or sea by which cause by composting chemicals on the land by means of digging it under the ground. It would affect greatly the plants and would be poisonous and very dangerous if the animals and us humans will eat that kind of plant.

         Another contributor is the decrease of populations. Many animals are at risk due to hunting and overfishing cause by humans. That is one of the reasons why there is what we call an endangered species which is seldom saw and have in a certain ecosystem.

         Another one is the natural resources destruction which also adds damage to our ecosystem. Excessive extraction of their resources like mining, and also logging contribute to one.

       As population grows , the need for houses construction  also increases. Before buildings and houses are constructed, more lands are needed to be developed. That means many ecosystems will be destroyed  and damage by this constructing stuff. Many organisms will lostb its home and will lack of the ecosystems where they will get their foods and way of living and most important one is where they live and serve as there habitat.

         Sudden change of climate is a huge factor in the destruction of the ecosystem. While the climate changes there would be many organisms will be affected because some organisms cannot live on different climates each day, week or months because they only have permanent one. Global warming is also a big threat to animals in their natural habitat. This global warming is cause by air pollutions, many animals will be part of what we called endangered species cause by this.

         All of the mention above are only some of the threats that keeps on destroying the habitats that we have. But because of this laws given by the government we still manage to avoid all of this factors so that we can maintain the beauty of our  own ecosystem.

                           (^_^)KENNETH DAVE SANCHEZ(^_^)


    Law Included for the Preservation of Ecosystem*  

          Before discussing the laws, i will mention first a few ideas related to ecosystem. A natural ecosystem is the collection of all the organisms that live in a given place or space and can lasts there for a long period of time by having this relationships between them. The abiotic or non-living environment that they interact with ecosystems are often structured by the available or rather the availability of nutrients, the physical constraints. The environment imposes in the organisms that inhabit on it. And the complex regarding to the relationships between different species in the ecosystem. And our planet earth is one huge example of a home range with billions of ecosystems.

        In this context we have here, law doesn’t necessarily mean an enforceable rule, but rather an observable truth which is consistent in our nature. The natural worlds’ complexity is being self-regulated by the ecosystem laws which goal is to maintain the equilibrium in which life is being sustained. This laws can provide a big change for a huge improvement in preserving the every ecosystems in almost all parts of the world.
         First is the environmental law, it is said to be a complex body of law which is mainly made up of national, regulations, threats, state and local statues, internationals, global and policies which said to be had seek to guard and to protect the native environment and the ever marvelous natural resources that is affected, impacted or even endangered by human activities and other unacceptable doings. Environmental law is one of the most important one because it will provide us the proper avoidance  and right steps to reach the goal of a better and well improved surroundings.   

      The Canadian environmental law association or for short is known as (CELA) is a non-profit, public interest which goal is to establish in the organization in the year of 1970 and is use for existing the laws to guard or protect the environment and of course to advocate the environmental law reforms.

       The conservation law association or known also as (CLF) works to solve the most significant environmental challenges in facing the many countries in the year of 1966. Clf’s advocates to have used the law, economics and science to build up to create innovativeness strategies which also provides proper steps in conserving the natural resources that protect public health and also to promote natal communities in our own region. The conservation law foundation also helps the part of the communities which lacks for food and other daily needs.    

         The laws mention above are only some of the main laws existing on a certain ecosystem but there are also some common laws to help preserving the natural habitats known as ecosystem. Some common laws include illegal logging, avoidance of the things which causes pollution on the air, water, land and all other parts of the world. The government is doing all its best in making proper laws to maintain the beauty and to avoid the destructions that may cause the break down of a certain ecosystems. 

                                                                      (^_^)JOHN REYMAR SAPLAD(^_^)

     *Contribution of the Ilonggos in Boosting the Iloilo Ecotourism*

         As we all know ecosystem is the interaction of the living organisms to non-living organisms by which the microorganism also exist and they all are wrapped up together into a particular environment by having this relationship so called symbiotic relationship. Improving your own ecosystem can be as easy as you can think it would be and as hard as what you imagined of a huge improvement that may occur. One of the simple things that you can do is by avoiding wrong doings such us illegal loggings that may ruin our productive forests, different kinds of pollutions such as on air, water, land and every part of an ecosystem.

         Iloilo has been the most well visited place in terms of tourism.This city was lovely as the colorful flower. Our city is known as the city of love,  because some people here is such a lovable people.  Ilonggos’ here in iloilo make a good changes in their lives by making a place ligible and interesting to visit. We as an ilonggos, can proudly say to others that iloilo is a City where many sites and place that you can visit because of its natural beauty of the environment.
         To prevent illegal logging here in Iloilo, you as a student or an Ilonggo citizen can play a big role in preserving the natural beauty of a particular area that you belong by avoiding any distructions and ruining the sorroundings in your place. It is better to protect our forests, lakes and other natural resources rather than making yourself busy in other unnecessary and such a waste of time doings.

         And to the Governments, they must have this sense of appreciation to our environment so that they can manage to act as a perfect leader into all of the people. Therefore, they can certainly make a descent laws in improving and preserving the resources found here in Iloilo. They must focus on the avoidness of distructions mainly the preventing of the spreading of pollutions likely air, water and others. They can make a certain act by which people can manage to follow it forcely so that all the citizens here in Iloilo will be well-mannered and an eco-lover citizens.

         And as a student of a public school, I can still provide a big help for the improvement of the ecosystem where I belong in a simple way that I can. Being just a member of  a certain club or organization most  likely the YES-O or KPSEP that helps cleaning the environment can cause already a big change. And me as a teenage girl can spread the big news upon all of my fellow students and same as to teachers and other part of our community to act now before its too late, before the ecosystem of our own city goes down and eventually falls rapidly unnotice. Lets make this as a hobby for us to practice proper manners towards the real meaning of valuating the importance of our beloved ecosystem.

                          (^_^)JOLGIN MARY DEMEGILLO(^_^)